Observe: An organelle is a cell structure that performs a specific function. Observe the samples below under the highest magnifi
cation. Click the Show labels checkbox to label the organelles. List the organelles and approximate size of the cells in each sample. Sample Organelles Estimated size (μm) Mouse skin Fly muscle Maple leaf Elodea Fungus What do all of these samples have in common? In eukaryotic cells, genetic material is contained inside a distinct, membrane-bound nucleus. Plant and animal cells are classified as eukaryotes. Observe: Click on the cow and observe E. coli under the highest magnification. Notice the microscope magnification is larger for this organism, and notice the scale bar is smaller. What is the approximate size of E. coli? What organelles are present in E. coli? What organelle is missing from E. coli? E. coli is an example of a bacteria. Bacteria are classified as prokaryotic cells because their DNA is not contained in a membrane-bound nucleus. Compare: Look at the Sand/silt sample under the microscope. Turn on Show labels. Does sand/silt have any internal structures? Do you think sand or silt is alive? Explain.
Answer:All living organisms, including plants, animals, bacteria and fungi, are made up of cells. Cells are the smallest parts of all living organisms.
If we look at all the living organisms in the world we see that there are two main types of organisms based on the structures of their cells. The most important difference in structure is the presence of a nucleus. Cells that contain a nucleus are classified as eukaryotic cells, while those without a nucleus are prokaryotic cells. In this chapter we will specifically look at eukaryotic cells that make up organisms such as plants and animals. Examples of organisms with prokaryotic cells are bacteria.
Explanation: The cells are the uttermost reverence attached to the lives of the atoms.
D) In DNA, adenine, thymine, guanine, and cytosine join together and carry all of the genetic information. RNA is made from adenine, uracil, cytosine, and guanine and is used to make proteins.