I have 8 paragraphs, and It's about Joey 15 and Michael 11 who go fishing with their Dad Robert. They really aren't close, and are two completely different people, but that fishing trip brings them closer together. SRY TOOK SO LONG!!
My brother and I were so excited when our dad said he was going to take us fishing. Me and my brother are two completely different people. He likes girls, basketball, and football. I on the other hand like hip hop dancing, frogs, fish, and lizards. My brothers name is Joey and he is 4 years older than me. He calls me squirt, but my name is Michael and I'm 11 year old.
The only thing that Joey and I have in common is going fishing with our dad Robert. Our mom died from cancer 5 years ago, so it's nice spending time with Dad. I asked Dad if we had the supplies. He pointed out to the garage, but the fishing poles where not in good shape. The line was broke, there was not hook, and we had no fish bait.
I told Dad and he told me to get Joey, so we could go to the store to buy new supplies. Joey said he wasn't surprised the fishing poles looking horrible. The last time we used them was before Mom died. While we were in the Bait & Tackle store Joey was no help. He spent the whole time on his phone. He would get lost in isles, and I would have to call him to come. It's great Dad knew what he was doing.
We had to wait 1 hour just to get to the lake. I like to tease Joey because he gets mad. On the way to the lake I asked him, "Is that Jessica you're talking to?" "Isn't she your girlfriend?" He came replied, "Yeah! I know you wish Lisa was your girlfriend, but that's okay I told her you liked her." I said, "What!?!" He then told me is was just messing around. We always made fun like this.
We finally made it to Lake Fort. It was very hot, as usual, but I never would complain. I remember the last time we were here we didn't catch anything, but a catfish. And Dad would let us swim in the lake afterwards which was my favorite. Dad yelled, "Are you boys ready?" We both ran up to the dock where our dad was.
As I cast my fishing pole out I asked Joey if he wanted to have a competition. I knew Joey would say yes because he is very competative. He agreed, and I told him, "Person who catches the smallest fish has to do the others chores". Joey hesitated then said, "Deal Squirt!" We sat there for an hour until I got a bite. I could feel it was a big one. Dad came to help me pull, pull, and pull. I caught a 17 in Bass. I told Joey, "Beat that." 30 mins later Joey caught a 12in catfish. I laughed and defeat was all over Joey's face.
Once we caught 3 more fish we asked Dad if we could go swimming. I thought Joey would be mad, but he wasn't. Joey said, "Come here Michael....." I didn't hear the rest because he never calls me Michael! So I approached him, and he said get on my shoulders. He then flipped me off of his shoulders just like he used to. When I came to surface I yelled, "JOEY AN ALLIGATOR!!"
Joey looked at me, and laughed. I was so confused, and I finally swam to him with a anxious look. He kept laughing and finally said, "It's just a drifting log!!!" I was so embarrassed I thought he was going to say I screamed like a girl. Joey instead said, "Thanks Michael if that was really an alligator you were pretty brave." Joey said, "MIchael this was such a fun day we should do it more." I told Joey you're the best brother. That day brought Joey and I closer together.