The person should be carried in a straight position to prevent damage of spinal cord.
The structure is named as Centromere to which the Two chromatids of the mitochondria are connected.
Yes, The neocortex is the center for higher brain functions, such as perception, decision-making and language. Our group focuses on the mechanisms governing neocortex development, with a strong interest on the role and regulation of the neural stem cells.
Sleep reactivates recent experiences stored in the hippocampus and shifts them for permanent storage in the cortex. The hioppocampus is the portion of the brain that is responsible of storing of the long-term memory which would include the experiences and the pas t knowledge. It is located in the medial temporal lobe of the brain. As one sleeps, the brain would sort of replay everything that happened that day. At this time, the hippocampus and the neocortex would communicate with each other to make and store those memories. From researches, it was said that the activity of the hippocampus would increase when an individual is in a slow-wave sleep.