Marketing research is a term that is used to refer to the process of systematically designing, collecting, interpreting, and reporting information. It is used to help marketers solve specific marketing problems, and it is also used to take advantage of market opportunities. Marketing research is used to gather information which are not currently available to the decision makers.
A marketing information system (MIS) refers to a system in which marketing data is formally gathered, stored, analysed and distributed to managers in accordance with their informational needs on a regular basis. A management information system is systematically designed to support marketing decision making.
● The facts of crimes in business. With the sluggish economy the entire numbers of criminal activities have increased dramatically...
● Loss of revenue. Once the business is been compromised by such crimes, it would not be easy anymore to run the business because the funds are already affected.
● Damaged Reputation...
● Reduced production...
● Protect your business...
a.reduced MI and increases M2
Hope that help you!!