Monomers are small molecules, mostly organic, that can join with other similar molecules to form very large molecules, or polymers. Polymers are chains with an unspecified number of monomeric units. a polymer. Homopolymers are polymers made by joining together monomers of the same chemical composition or structure.
Las hormonas pertenecen al grupo de los mensajeros químicos, que incluye también a los neurotransmisores y las feromonas. A veces es difícil clasificar a un mensajero químico como hormona o neurotransmisor.
Todos los organismos multicelulares producen hormonas, incluyendo las plantas (En este último caso se denominan fitohormonas).
* The glucose needed for Cellular respiration is delivered by plants. Plants experience a process known as photosynthesis.
* Photosynthesis can be considered as the contrary process of Cellular respiration. Through two processes known as the light reactions and the dark reactions, plants can assimilate and use the energy in daylight. This energy is then changed over alongside water and carbon dioxide from the environment into glucose and oxygen.
* Since this is the contrary process of Cellular respiration, plants and animals are said to have a cooperative relationship. This implies that plants and animals live respectively and advantage from one another.
Cellular respiration is the process by which the substance energy of "food" particles is delivered and incompletely caught as ATP. Starches, fats, and proteins would all be able to be utilized as fills in cellular respiration, yet glucose is most normally utilized as an illustration to analyze the responses and pathways included.
Yes, elk are herbivores because they eat things such as grass and shrubs but not meat.
They create competition with some certain niche