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hey talking for what-------
The answer is C
Explanation: The random change in the gene pool is due to genetic drift. Remember, genetic drift occurs at a more rapid rate when the population size is reduced. The flood is a random occurrence. It could have as easily been a drought.
Choosing protein as macromolecule.
The given environmental changes can lead to structural changes in protein as well:
pH - Several amino acids contain sidechains with practical gatherings that can promptly pick up or lose a proton. Changes in pH would prompt an adjustment in the charge of the amino acids, prompting charge-charge attraction or repilsion between non-interfacing amino parts.
Temperature - High temperatures can prompt protein denaturation. Warmth can upset hydrogen bonding and hydrophobic interactions.
Reduction or oxidation Environment - Some tertiary structure of protein folding is held by disulfide linkages. Reducing agent will lead to unfolding by introducing itself to break disulfide bonds.
Effect of these change: Sequence of amino acid and structure of protein molecule form determines function, any slight change to a protein's structure may result in the protein to become dysfunctional or produce different product.