The answer should be allele(s).
Alleles are alternative forms of genes. For example in eye color, there is brown eye allele that produces brown eyes or blue eye alleles that produces blue eyes.
However, note that there may be dominant or recessive alleles. Dominant alleles are always expressed, meanwhile, recessive allele is only expressed when there is no dominant allele existing.
An example is let say brown eye allele is dominant and blue eye allele is recessive. The eye gene is controlled by 2 alleles. If I had one brown eye allele and 1 blue, my eyes will be brown, because brown eye allele is dominant.
She has to get la man with a type AB group
Because the woman is a type B group
4 the cube with many circles in it or box C
3 objects that float paperclip, feather, air molecules, sticker objects that sink book, phone, human, plate.
2 ?
Homointernal adalah hewan yang bersuhu tubuh panas dan tetap hewan-hewan ini adalah:
1)Ikan, terbagi
-ikan hiu
-ikan pari
2)Amfibi terbagi
4)Burung terbagi