A counter claim is the claim of the opposite argument. This is important to add in your essay so you can show both sides of the arguments and then use your rebuttal to debunk or disprove the opposing claim.
Mainstream media.
No, the title says it all: FAIR: Fairness and Accuracy in Reporting. There is no way this is really fair an unbiased.
No, it is not fair, and the reader better use discretion while viewing it.
Yes, the title says it all: FAIR: Fairness and Accuracy in Reporting.
Dad scolded Miriam for skipping her chores.<span>No one likes my cooking.
</span>Working out always makes me hungry.<span>Playing is all the cat does.
The men of Athens are afraid when women show power, as their entire patriarchal system relies on female complacency.
The point of the play-within-a-play to make fun of the dramatics of the Athenian lovers, and to make the play end with a happy note.