A research paper is most likely to require a works cited page
Manuel ate yogurt-covered pretzels.
: Manuel
Verb: ate
Completed thought: The yogurt-covered pretzels were eaten by Manuel
The subject of a sentence is the "doer" or "performer" of an action in a sentence.
The verb of a sentence is the word used to describe the action.
Realization/fulfilment of dreams
Lena the matriarch wants to fulfil hers and her late husband's wish of buying a house which she did.
Bernie is to fulfil her dream of going to medical school to become a doctor with the money. Walter Lee Junior strongly believes that getting the money to invest in a liquor business is his road to success.
People who experienced post traumatic growth may develop a new appreciation of life, newfound personal strength, seeing improvement in their relationships, see new possibilities in life and undergo spiritual changes.
When Telemachus sees that his father is being attacked and abused, he obeys his father's orders and doesn't do a thing, even though he feels angry and violent.