you gotta put the small "b" for the female and all the the box will be "Bb"
It is the first one heated
An increase in the number of H+ ion in the lake with many aquatic would cause cell shrinkage by the removal of water from the cell.
Every organism tries to maintain a constant PH inside their body to regulate the homeostasis of their body.
An increase in the number of H+ ion or proton in a lake will increase the osmotic pressure of the water present in the lake.As the osmotic pressure of Lake"s water is increased it will draw water out from the the cells of aquatic organism causing the cells to shrink thus decreasing the volume of the cell and if the H+ ion concentration rises at a high level cell death can occur.
Answer: Search Results
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Monarchs can warm up by basking in the sun. Basking helps a monarch raise its muscle temperatures to flight threshold. When monarchs bask they open their wings and tilt them toward the sun. Like solar panels, monarchs capture the sun's energy by exposing the surface area of their wings directly to the sun.