No, 22.09% is not a valid measurement
Precision has to do with how close a given set of measured values are to each other. It is quite different from accuracy. Accuracy refers to how close a given set of values is to the true value. A given set of values may be precise but not accurate and vice versa.
If we look at the values obtained; 22.09%, 22.15%, 22.18%, 22.23%, 22.25%, the value 22.09% is too far off the other values. This implies that it does not represent a valid measurement since it is not close to all the other values obtained.
The five phases of matter. There are four natural states of matter: Solids, liquids, gases and plasma. The fifth state is the man-made Bose-Einstein condensates. In a solid, particles are packed tightly together so they don't move much.
protons : 10
electron : 10
neutron : 10
Protons will usually be the same as the electrons when its a <u>Atom</u> (when its a ion or covalent bond or simple bond they will most likely be different)
the atomic number represents protons and electrons
the mass number - the atomic number = neutron