There are many factors that determine what a predator will prey on. For instance if the predator is starving or if they are hunting in a pack. Predators will usually prey on animals that are easiest to be captured without using too much energy. The sick, young, old, small and unaware animals will often times fall prey since they are easiest to be caught. Predators don't necessarily prey only on the ill/ injured. Sick prey may be overlooked because their bodies may not provide the necessary sustence for the predator and others it may be feeding. Healthy large slow moving animals may be difficult to kill but the payoff is greater, especially if a pack is involved.
Due to the star not being very massive, when it finally collapses in on itself, it will produce a neutron star, not a black hole.
Moving air masses cause the weather to change when they contact different conditions. For example, a warm air mass moving over cold ground may cause an inversion. ... Cold air masses tend to move toward the Equator. Warm air masses tend to move toward the poles.
There is an increase in demand for higher quality and quantity of food and other products.
There is an increase in demand for higher quality and quantity of food and other products. So, there is a huge requirement for technological innovation. Investment is needed in research and development to develop crops that are pesticide-free, resistant to disease, and able to face various weather conditions. Vertical farming and carbon-capture technology can be used to meet growing world food demands.
<span>Vaccines help develop immunity by imitating an infection. but it does cause the immune system to produce T-lymphocytes and antibodies. Sometimes, after getting a vaccine, the imitation infection can cause minor symptoms, such as fever.</span>