In energy processing systems electronic carrier molecules transfer electrons from one part to other part of energy processing system. This provides the necessary energy and reduces power to carry out chemical reactions. They are necessary for aerobic cellular respiration and photosynthesis.
As humans plants also need oxygen to breathe they only take in carbon dioxide to do photosynthesis.So they wont do photosynthesis at night and so they only need to breathe. even though their stomata are closed at night some oxygen can go inside. and this is how plants breathe when their stomata are … Enzymes change carbon dioxide to glucose.
Bacteria take DNA from their environment.
"Bacteria take DNA from their environment" is what best describes transformation in bacteria.
Poverty is the root of all evil in this situation along with gendder discrimination. Because of the social unpopularity regarding females and because many women lie below standard income, they simply cant afford or just refuse to have kids.