<h3>The two sources of horror are <em><u>inside (causing that person to become a monster) </u></em> and <em><u> outside ( a horror that threatens a character from the outside and forces evil out).</u></em></h3>
<h3><em><u>Hope </u></em><em><u>it </u></em><em><u>helps.</u></em></h3>
<em><u>ray491</u></em><em><u>8</u></em><em><u> </u></em><em><u>here </u></em><em><u>to</u></em><em><u> help</u></em>
thank you! the school year isn't over for me just yet, but i'm getting there! fingers crossed i pass the state test lol.
anyways, have a nice day! thanks you for wishing us luck, and i hope u did well!
~mina-san ヾ(•.•`)o
hello bro call me I teach you
Writing about being bullied is perfectly appropriate, so long as it approached in the correct manner. If you choose to use this as your topic, you should start by describing a particularly bad time you were bullied. Use dialogue, showing not telling, and imagery. You want this scene to be your attention getter, so make the bullies sound as mean and threatening as possible, and make sure to make it clear how you were feeling at the time.