First box is where the Sun's energy is produced. The second box is hot gases move up and cool gases sink down. Then Region of the Sun that is visible from Earth. Last is appears as a red ring around the Sun right before and after the peak of a total solar eclipse. I hope this helps!
Approximately 200 out of 200 million sperms ejaculated during intercourse reach the general vicinity of the egg. They sperms must undergo capacitation during which dilute inhibitory factors fluids of the female reproductive tract weaken the membrane of the sperm head so that head of the sperm can be broken easily when it came in contact with the egg.
The first sperm to reach an egg isn’t the one to fertilize it because the egg is surrounded by a gelatinous membrane called the zona pellucida. Outside this layer, a layer of small granulosa cells also present.
Therefore, it requires numerous sperm to clear a path through these barriers before one of them can penetrate the egg and fertilize it.
The answer to the question is the letter "A" Breakdown glucose.
The function of beta-galactosidase is to break down glucose. This beta-galactosidase is also commonly called "Beta-gal". This enzyme breaks down the glycosidic bond, it also includes carbohydrates that contain glucose.
Meiosis is when the cells divide so I’m going. To say it is b
Darker skin
Good luck