The answer is urethra.
It is known that the kidneys are responsible for filtration of metabolic wastes from the blood and form urine. Urine is transported through the ureters to the urinary bladder. From the urinary bladder, urine is transported to the outside of the body by the urethra.
Lack of oxygen
There are two mechanisms for energy production (glucose breakdown), aerobic and anaerobic. When adequate amounts of oxygen are present, aerobic mechanism is used. However, when there is insufficient oxygen, such as during exercise, the anaerobic mechanism is used.
Let’s take grass and bunnies for example.
The grass is a producer and the bunny is the consumer. The bunny eats the grass that the ground produces.
what is the average length of a cobra?
biology is the study of life.
Phagocytes are the type of cells that 'devour' foreign cells in order to protect the body using phagocytosis.