A <u><em>receptor</em></u> is a protein that recognizes and responds to a signal.
A receptor is a protein molecule present on the cells on which the signalling molecules can bind and generate a physiological response. Some receptor molecules can also respond to Sun and light. Each type of cell has specific receptors molecules and hence can respond to specific signals. The receptor molecules hence tend to receive signals for a cell. Molecules such as hormones bind to the receptors.
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<em>Rx: </em>Ambien 5mg # 10 (ten)
Sig: Ambien 5 mg PO HS for sleep PRN
Refills: 3 times
These abbreviations mean:
PO- the oral route for medication (per os)
HS- a patient's bedtime (hour of sleep)
PRN- as necessary or needed (pro re nata)
Further Explanation:
Ambien belongs to a drug class of sedative-hypnotics; in the brain, it causes calming effects -users fall asleep more quickly for a full night's rest. It is used in the treatment of insomnia in adults who have problems getting to sleep and staying asleep. However,<u> treatment is typically only carried out for 1-2 weeks at a time.</u>
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The neurotransmitter is Dopamine.
The following combinations of neurotransmitters seem to be at play in
those who suffer from ADHD is Serotonin, dopamine, and norepinephrine. Neurotransmitters,
also known as chemical messengers, are endogenous chemicals that enable
neurotransmission. They transmit signals across a chemical synapse, such as a
neuromuscular junction.
La respuesta correcta es "a. arterias, b. venas; y c. capilares".
Los vasos sanguíneos son una serie de conductos a través de los cuales el cuerpo transporta la sangre, asegurando que todas las células del cuerpo tenga acceso a oxígeno, elemento necesario para la respiración celular. Hay tres tipos de vasos sanguíneos: arterias, venas y capilares. Las arterias llevan la sangre del corazón a los órganos, las venas transportan la sangre de los órganos al corazón y los capilares son vasos muy pequeñitos que llegan a las partes más pequeñas del cuerpo.