I believe you can prove a theory more than a hypothesis. A law is definite.
B. bacteria has a negative image in our world.... people forget that there is good bacteria in the body that helps break down callulose in some animals' digestive system and helps to fight infectious diseases
Hunger,Feeling nervous,Heavy sweating,Weakness,Shaking (tremors),Confusion, Seizures, Coma
B. Antibodies react specifically with an antigen.
Serological tests are blood tests that look for antibodies in your blood. They can involve a number of laboratory techniques. Flucculation tests are based on the precipitation that takes place when antibody and specially prepared antigens are mixed together
What is the most common blood type?: The most common blood type would be O Positive (O+). About 39 percent of the population has this blood type.
What is the least common blood type?: The least common blood type would be AB Negative (AB-). About 1 percent of the population has this blood type.