In order to find the GCF of these two numbers we need to list all their factors and find the first common one so.
44: 1,2,4,11,22,44
110, 1,2,5,10,11,22,55,110
Since 22 is the highest number that both share and its common, that would be your answer. Answer: 22.
The solutions to the system are -11.3 and 11.3.
The length of one leg of the sun shade is 11.3 feet.
graph y=1/2 x^2
graph y=64
zoom out.
find the points of intersection.
She should have added 2 to both sides of the equation instead of subtracting 2.
2x -2 = 14
Add 2 to both sides:
2x = 16
Divide both sides by 2:
x = 8
x = 1/7
Step-by-step explanation:
x = 1/7