What supports natural selection is that more organisms are born that survive: so that only the fittest would survive. The natural selection then selects the strongest individuals to surive and procreate.
Intermediate and deep focus earthquakes. The reason is being the tectonics plates are always shifting and so, old it’s always able to cause a problem. The tectonic plates crash at some point. Usually it’s a small one at first, then a big one, and after that a aftershock which is bigger than the second one.
This is the best I can give you right now with a deadline.
i have answer: if one of them weighed more than the other, but the other fell from a lower distance, then they would fall at the same time because the one that weighs more would go faster. if they weighed the same, the one from a lower distance would fall first because they are closer.
In the case of arson, investigators must look for the most intensely burned debris to find the origin of the fire. In the case of an explosion, there will also be a crater at the site of the blast. With either type of event, chemical residues can tell how the event happened.
The arson and explosion investigator must take detailed notes during every step of the process. These notes are used to write a full report about the analysis and its conclusions. If the evidence from the analysis is used in a case that goes to trial, the arson and explosion investigator may be required to testify in court about the work.
Arson and explosion investigation is an inspiring field of forensic science that will continue to provide exciting career opportunities well into the future.
digging deep into the ground
when it gets cold, ants respond by seeking warm places, such as deep soil, under rocks or under the bark of trees.