Intermolecular forces in solids are strongest than in liquids and gases. Gases have the least strong intermolecular forces. Intermolecular forces are weak and are significant over short distances between molecules (determined by Coulomb’s law). The farther away from the molecules the weaker the intermolecular forces. Since molecules in solids are the closest, the intermolecular force between them as the strongest. Conversely, since gas molecules are farthest apart, the intermolecular forces between them are the weakest.
cuerpo flota o se hunde es su densidad con respecto a la del líquido en que se sumerge. En cambio, una nuez (densidad = 0.5) flotara en ambos líquidos mientras que una piedra (densidad = 2) se hundirá.
Although they receive a bad rap from the media and pharmaceuticals, the majority of prokaryotes are either harmless or actually help eukaryotes, such as animals and plants, to survive and only a small number of species are responsible for serious illnesses.
The chemical equation for Hydrogen is just H