I think that the answer is 1/8 Hope this helps!!!! :D
Copper ions are reduced into copper atoms.
Cu²⁺₍aq₎ + 2e⁻ → Cu₍s₎
During electrolysis, the positive H⁺ and Cu⁺ ions move to the negative cathode and negative OH⁻ and Cl⁻ ions move to the positive anode.
At cathode, copper ions are preferentially discharged due to the low electromotive force required to discharge them compared to the hydrogen ion. The copper ions gain the two electrons lost by the chloride ions when the are discharged. (2 Cl⁻₍aq₎ → Cl₂₍g₎ + 2e⁻)
Thus the half equation is as follows:
Cu²⁺₍aq₎ + 2e⁻ → Cu₍s₎
According to sources, the most probable answer to this query is that when solutions reaches equilibrium, the amount of concentration of two or more matter combined in this solution becomes equal.
Thank you for your question. Please don't hesitate to ask in Brainly your queries.
they will both do the exact same thing, as long as they are bothh identical