Here's how to convert 0.16666 to a fraction...
There is not much that can be done to figure out how to write 0.16666 as a fraction, except to literally use what the decimal portion of your number, the .16666, means.
Since there are 5 digits in 16666, the very last digit is the "100000th" decimal place.
So we can just say that .16666 is the same as 16666/100000.
The fraction 16666/100000 is not reduced to lowest terms. We can reduce this fraction to lowest
terms by dividing both the numerator and denominator by 2.
Why divide by 2? 2 is the Greatest Common Divisor (GCD)
or Greatest Common Factor (GCF) of the numbers 16666 and 100000.
So, this fraction reduced to lowest terms is 8333/50000
So your final answer is: 0.16666 can be written as the fraction 8333/50000
To tessellate a surface using a regular polygon, the interior angle must be a sub-multiple (i.e. factor) of 360 degrees to cover completely the surface.
For a regular three-sided polygon, the interior angle is (180-360/3)=60 °
Since 6*60=360, so a regular three-sided polygon (equilateral triangle) tessellates.
For a regular four-sided polygon, the interior angle is (180-360/4)=90 °
Since 4*90=360, so a regular four-sided polygon (square) tessellates.
For a regular five-sided polygon, the interior angle is (180-360/5)=108 °
Since 360/108=3.33... (not an integer), so a regular five-sided polygon (pentagon) does NOT tessellate.
For a regular six-sided polygon, the interior angle is (180-360/6)=120 °
Since 3*120=360, so a regular six-sided polygon (hexagon) tessellates.
Q1, the first quartile, 25th percentile, is greater than or equal to 1/4 of the points. It's in the first bar so we can estimate Q1=5. In reality the bar includes values from 0 to 9 or 10 (not clear which) and has around 37% of the points so we might estimate Q1 a bit higher as it's 2/3 of the points, say Q1=7.
The median is bigger than half the points. First bar is 37%, next is 22%, so its about halfway in the second bar, median=15
Third bar is 11%, so 70% so far. Four bar is 5%, so we're at the right end of the fourth bar for Q3, the third quartile, 75th percentile, say Q3=40
When the data is heavily skewed left like it is here, the median tends to be lower than the mean. The 5% of the data from 80 to 120 averages around 100 so adds 5 to the mean, and 8% of the data from the 60 to 80 adds another 5.6, 15% of the data from 40 to 60 adds about 7.5, plus the rest, so the mean is gonna be way bigger than the median of around 15.
im pretty sure
Step-by-step explanation:
Meaning there's only 1 real root, complete the square and you get the answer.
We're going to use this formula, so if x² = 4x² then x = 2x
and if y² = 1 then y = 1
Straight to formula
Because (2x+1)² is basically (2x+1)(2x+1), we get the same value of x.
So the answer is x = -1/2
(When D>0, there are 2 real roots.)
(When D=0, there are only 1 real root.)
(When D<0, there are no real roots, but 2 complex roots.)