Just click on the answer, if it is an external link DO NOT CLICK IT. it may contain dangerous stuff including h*cked stuff.
(slow)xy2+z→xy2z (fast) c step1:step2:xy2+z2→xy2z2
Step1: xy2+z2→xy2z2 (slow)
Step2: xy2z2→xy2z+z (fast)
2XY 2 + Z 2 → 2XY 2 Z
Rate= k[xy2][z2]
When the two elementary steps are summed up, the result is equivalent to the stoichiometric equation. Hence, this mechanism is acceptable. The order of both elementary steps is 2, which is ‘≤3’; this also makes this mechanism acceptable. Furthermore, the rate equation aligns with the experimentally determined rate equation, and this also makes this mechanism acceptable. Therefore, since all the three rules have been observed, this mechanism is possible.
I think that building on a green hill
The answer is 3.5 × 10^-3
Incorrect use has resulted in accidents and disfiguring burns. Never leave a methylated spirit appliance unattended. Also make sure that the camping stove or appliance is on a flat surface and that the fuel cannot spill out.