Bacterial Vaginosis
Bacterial Vaginosis (BV) is a form of vaginal inflammation which can cause a over excessive growth of bacteria in the vagina which overall disturbs the natural balance
Herons inhabit mostly marshy wetlands.
Lichens have been described as "dual organisms<span>" because they are symbiotic associations between two (or sometimes more) entirely different types of microorganism - a fungus (termed the mycobiont) a green alga or a cyanobacterium (termed the photobiont).
The new drug will not be effective against the treatment of cancer.
The drug will not be effective against the cancer treatment because the drug will inhibit the dimerization of receptor tyrosine kinase (RTK) but as the Ras has undergone mutation due to replacement of one amino acid, it will be constitutively expressed and the drug is not effective in stopping the Ras functioning.
Thus, Gefitinib cannot work against the cancerous cell as it is not potent to stop the functioning of mutant Ras protein.