relative atomic mass=(mass of isotope1×relative abundance)+(mass of isotope 2×relative abundance)/100
Compounding Corner on RxNet is the best reference for more information regarding compounding
RxNet is an open online community, consolidating scientists from the domains of chemistry, biochemistry and expanding industry of drug innovation and improvement. Compounding presents an innovative way for pharmacists to customize prescriptions to suit the requirements of their patients.
The art of compounding employs advanced medicine while still sticking to the roots of the profession of pharmacy. Compounding pharmacies can create unparalleled dosage forms based on patient preferences. Compounded medicines are usually reliable and sufficient for most victims who have spoken to their physician about their wellness.
"A neutron turns into a proton and an electron
Nominal mass does not change
atomic number decreases by one" -redbeardthegiant
True (T)
By absorbing or reflecting or letting light pass through, things become opaque, translucent, or transparent.
(D) exposure of a photographic plate