The data that we have is:
Bob's stack is 0.2 meters high
Cal's stack is 0.24 meters high
Pete's stack is 0.18 meters high.
We want to compare Cal's stack with Pete's stack.
Direct comparison:
For this we do a subtraction, the height of Cal's stack minus the height of the one of Pete.
D = 0.24 m - 0.18 m = 0.06 m
So from this, we know that Cal's stack is 0.06 meters higher than the one of Pete.
Relative comparison: now we do the quotient of Cal's stack divided by Pete's stack.
R = 0.24/0.18 = 1.33
So Cal's stack height is equal to 1.33 times the height of the stack of Pete.
From this, we have