They display:
- phone number
- business address;
- a map marker along with the business owner's ad text.
Location extensions give the opportunity a business owners to display the following:
- phone number
- business address;
- a map marker along with the business owner's ad text.
Location extensions are of two types:
1. Google Ads location extensions also give the opportunity to display phone number, business address; and a map marker along with the business owner's ad text.
2. Affiliate location extensions make it easy to discover a retail chains outlet that is nearby selling what you want to buy. The purpose is to serve the owners of retail chains outlets who want customers who are making decisions on what and where to buy commodities to find their outlets.
JEBBERZ that link isn't even clickable
If you are talking about the Wendy's founder, he received his GED in March 1993.
Bonds are a form of a debt captial