Decimal points must be aligned with performing addition or subtraction.
The arithmetic operation that does <em>not</em> require decimal points be aligned is multiplication.
For multiplication, you only need to know the number of digits to the right of the decimal point(s).
For long division, it is usually convenient to convert the divisor to an integer and adjust the decimal point of the dividend accordingly. Alternatively, it is necessary to know the number of digits in each number that are to the left of the decimal point.
Blue balls : Total number.
Total number of balls = 50 + 45 + 65 = 160
Blue balls : Total number.
= 65: 160 Divide both by 5.
= 13 : 32
= 13/32. That is the ratio.
Answer: 150
Step-by-step explanation: a scale of 150 because 150 times 8 is 1,200.
졌던 냥 샷 세 새 새 휴 여ㅔ헤헤헤헤헤헤하리ㅎㄴ하왕허웋ㅇ헝후오ㅡ아ㅗ여ㅏㅕ라ㅕ라ㅗㅇ렁셔 요 쇽뎌ㅕ려래ㅛ요ㅓㅓㅛ요ㅏ다ㅛ 또훙서 유ㅓ가ㅗㅗ히ㅓ
Step-by-step explanation:
ㅇㅎ겨개ㅛ교ㅑ아ㅛ려ㅐㄹ서넣요ㅏㅗㅏ차ㅗ셔ㅏ 로 홀ㅛㅕㅑ쇼ㅑ겻효ㅕ 껴ㅛㅕㅛ교ㅑ교ㅐ료ㅏ래ㅕ새ㅕ리ㅕㅐㅕㅔㅑㅣㅕ셔ㅐ ㅕㅣ셔ㅐㄱㅕㅔ샹샹허텋요ㅑ오툐ㅏ어ㅣ래ㅕ촤쳐ㅐ료ㅑ와타ㅛ낳와탸ㅛ와촤야ㅛ 유ㅗㅡ촤우ㅗ퇴롸러ㅣ혀ㅣ라ㅛㅌ샤 ㅗㅣ래ㅛ려ㅣ랴ㅛ아ㅗ처ㅣ촤여ㅣ리ㅕㅓ쵸ㅐ려ㅣㅓㅓㅣ리ㅓㄹㅗㅏ려ㅣ려ㅣ려ㅣㅣㅕㅛㅑㅓㅛ나굣이셔서ㅣㅣ시서ㅣ서소니서서서성섯여ㅣ햐ㅔㅅ하ㅕㅓ퍄샤도ㅕㅐ요ㅏㅗ럇냐ㅛ려ㅔㅐㅈ서ㅕㅣ세ㅕ엿처억 ㅣㅕ려