They have increased need to carbohydrates, protein, water and iron.
Carbohydrates is the primary source for energy and active people apparently need more energy for their daily activities.
Protein helps build muscles, even though they only need a small amount more of protein than normal people, they still require protein for muscle buildings.
Water has to be needed as they may excrete more sweat by active activities in the day time. Water can also help remove waster material from body.
Iron helps the production of hemoglobin, which is in the red blood cells that help transport oxygen. As they exercise more, they need more oxygen supply for respiration, therefore there is a need for iron supply.
eukaryote is a single celled organism, so that is almost like every organism on earth (except for bacteria). so actually there are many examples
1. bananas
2. algae
3. a spider
4. a lion
5. mushroom
4. tress, grass, flowers, pines....etc
5. humans
6. cancer cells, animal cells, sperm cells, muscle cells, plant cells...etc
5. flies almost every type of fly
6. fish
so yeah you get it almost every organism is a single celled organism :D
(except for bacteria and virus)
In addition to the local control of blood flow, global control of blood flow including changes in cardiac output and control of arterial BP is mediated by the autonomic nervous system. Global neural control of arterial hypertension is essentially through the sympathetic nervous system (SNS).
From Google
The brain analyzes thattt