My brain anxiously registered the flowered wallpaper- personafication
My pain leaked away
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Explanation: a hitchhiker, an allergy, and a mistake in a map.
Boxer values hard work, while napoleon values power and success
British philosopher George Berkeley believed in immaterialism, which rejects the existence of physical matter and considers that material objects are only ideas of those who perceive them. In the quotation, he believes that it is impossible to know whether there are things outside the mind. In that matter, he maintains that there exists the same evidence now for thinking that there are things outside the mind, and that same evidence would also exist if there were no things outside the mind.
Try answering the 5W's
Like: Strength
I enjoy studying Maths and Physics (what) in my free time (when) because solving sums help me feel in control/i'm good at it/they are interesting (why). You may often me (who) hunched over a physics book on a beautiful saturday morning right after dawn in my bedroom (where)