When the narrator points out that Miriam would read Sobel's literary commentaries "page by sanctified page, as if the word of God were inscribed on them," the implication is certainly that Miriam is perhaps in love with Sobel. We might also infer at this point that perhaps Sobel writes at such length for the benefit of Miriam, and that he, therefore, is also in love with her.
B. Modern theater audiences can be superstitious.
"The Tragedy of Macbeth" is without a doubt a play of superstition. The play is about the degradation of its tragic hero and witches. It is also considered an unlucky play by performers. It is popular belief not to say the name of the character or to say "The Scottish play" instead because the play is cursed. Whether this be true, the truth of the matter is that accidents have befallen many casts and productions from around the world. However, it is important to mention that accidents are unexpected events that can happen anywhere at any time. In summary, this is the reason for which the audience and actors will refuse to say "Macbeth".
to acknowledge the reality of racial profiling and scrutiny.
According to a different source, these are the options that come with this question:
- to illustrate Zeitoun’s strong allegiance to the Middle East.
- to explain the need for the Department of Homeland Security.
- to acknowledge the reality of racial profiling and scrutiny.
- to suggest Zeitoun’s involvement in suspicious activity.
In this excerpt, the author describes how Zeitoun needed to think about the reality of racial profiling in his daily life. We learn that he has not encountered this much throughout his life, but that he knows others who have, and that this situation is always on his mind anyway. This allows us to empathize with the problems that Muslim-Americans encounter on a day-to-day basis.