Firstly you need to to reduce to a common denominator by multiplYing the whole fraction. This way you have to multiply 4/5 by 2 (both numerator and denominator). so 4/5 = 8/10. And now you have 8/10 and 9/10. You compare only numerators. This way you have 8/10 <9/10. Same goes for 2/3 and 5/8. Only here you need to multiply both fractions. The common denominator here is 24. So you have to multiply 2/3 by 8 and 5/8 by 3. You now have to compare 16/24 and 15/24. 16/24>15/24.
People drank 75 cups, First find the amount of juice that Mrs. Jackson bought .Then subtract the 3 cups of juice that were left over
5 x 16=80
80-3= 77
The final temperature is the sum of the initial temperature and the change in temperature. The initial temperature is 102°F. The change in temperature is -3°F.
102°F + (-3°F) = (102 - 3)°F = 99°F
Step-by-step explanation:
If you put it into the slope intercept from (x1,y1) and (x2,y2)
then subtract 3-8 and 2-5 you should get 5\3 as your answer.