Mar 17.
6150 Bad Debt Expense $1.000 - Debit
1010 CASH Operating Account $275 - Debit
1290 A/REC Allowance for Uncollectible Accounts $1.000 - Credit
1220 A/REC Trade Notes Receivable $275 - Credit
Jul 29.
1290 A/REC Allowance for Uncollectible Accounts $1.000 - Debit
1010 CASH Operating Account $1.000 - Debit
6150 Bad Debt Expense $1.000 - Credit
1220 A/REC Trade Notes Receivable $1.000 - Credit
The least likely to receive tax dollars is Liberty Baptist University because of its religious beliefs.
C nag sa got ko sa yo yang C DAHIL SA VARIABLE
When Mrs. Watson refuses to hire a person because of their nationality, religion or race is an example of discrimination, also happens when someone treats someone else in a way that is harmful, because of the difference in political ideas, sexual orientation or gender.
A is the correct answer for me for u I don’t know