It's delicious! It tastes like lemon but it's not sour and it has a sweet taste to it. It also has a crispy puffy sticky batter on the outside with sesame seeds.
Mary will need to be registered in the other state she wants to work with.
Some professionals have professions that need to be registered in the professional's state of operation so that he or she is able to practice their profession. This is the case with Mary's profession that is registered in her state and that state restricts the use of the title "Certified Interior Designer". Mary is only entitled to practice in the state in which she is registered, so if a client has contacted Mary to work in another state, she must apply for registration in that state.
That's going to be a Bandwagon Appeal. An example of that would be "everyone is doing it, you should too!". Or in your case "Everyone agrees!". Your answer is Bandwagon Appeal.
Hi Mrs/Mr. <blank>, I should type my essay because it's more efficient, you can finish grading everyone's essay quicker, and turning it in online ensures that plagiarism will be caught if I happen to use any; this benefits us both.
my best guess is violently or terror but violently suits it better according to the story.