I think C is the correct answer, he is a 'skilled risk taker' most of the time. He was fooled only once, in that incident with the frog, but otherwise he always wins everything he competes in.
Plagiarism is a BIG no no. If you're going to read and use someones information on a subject, make sure to tweak it. (Ex. If a piece of information says, "Thomas Edison was a great inventor and a huge genius." You can tweak it by saying., "Thomas Edison was a magnificent inventor and an enormous mastermind." Plagiarism can get you in BIG trouble for; cheating, copying and such.
Perhaps the answer is ankle or toe. A nose is part of the face and ankle is part of foot. It could also be other parts of feet such as toes. Hope you have a nice day.
<span>The Fiery Planet. Directed by Michael Douglas. Produced by Disney Studios. Disney Studios, 2005.</span>