A person who acts
stoically amid torment is one who exhibits the capacity to continue torment
under cruel conditions without hinting any sign of pain in response to this extensive
<span>The picture depicted
by this action is one of being unafraid, and they needed to demonstrate to
their captors that they were not perplexed or afraid of death or an excruciating
In Shakespeare's "Macbeth," the protagonist talks to the witches, who foresee his future and give them a false sense of security. For instance, the Third Apparition shows a child being crowned and tells Macbeth not to fear haters or conspirers because he will be safe until the forest moves to his castle. As a consequence, Macbeth is now (falsely) convinced that he will rule forever, because he will not be harmed, nobody will overthrow him, and it is impossible for a forest to move.