34.96 times
Calculation for the price/earnings ratio of common stock
First step is to find the earnings per share using this formula
Earnings per share =Net income/Average number of common shares outstanding
Let plug in the formula
Earnings per share=$250,000/( 150,000 shares +200,000 shares/2)
Earnings per share=$250,000/(350,000 shares/2)
Earnings per share=$250,000/175,000 shares
Earnings per share=$1.43
Last step is to Calculate the price/earnings ratio of common stock using this formula
Price/earnings ratio of common stock =Market price per share /Earnings per share
Let plug in the formula
Price/earnings ratio of common stock=$50 per share/$1.43
Price/earnings ratio of common stock=34.96 times
Therefore the price/earnings ratio of common stock will be 34.96 times