Answer: The mild conditions this winter are driven by a "positive phase" of the Arctic Oscillation, which strengthens the jet stream, a ribbon of fast-moving air that flows west to east over the Northern Hemisphere. Changes in the jet stream's behavior can have a profound impact on weather systems around the world.
One of my favorite books is firecracker. It was written by David Iserson.
Astrid Krieger got kicked out of Bristol Academy for cheating.
She is forced to go to public school. Which she says smells like urine.
She meets Noah and Lucy.
She has to go to therapy with Dean Rein
He gives her an assignment. do 3 good thing she doesnt want to do.
She tries to bribe the dean into letting her back into bristol academy.
her grandfather dies
she finds out noah isnt who he says he is
the chapel burns down
bad thing: u compare your self to other people, bad mental health, etc
good thing: u may actually learn interesting stuff, keep up with friends plus family, know when major events may occur
how can u post questions I need help on that