<em>The altitude of the cloud cover is called the</em> ceiling <em>in</em> aviation<em>; it is an important measurement for those piloting small planes.</em> As for the other question, I only know that the second part is international.
ceiling: the upper inside limit of a room; also the height above the ground of the lowest clouds.
aviation: the operation of aircraft.
international: beyond the boundaries of a single nation.
I would cite sources from the Newspaper articles;
1. Miami-Dade County Votes to Keep Pit Bulls Out, and
2. Ohio Overturns Pit Bull Bill
In referencing the newspaper article, "Miami-Dade County Votes to Keep Pit Bulls Out", I will cite the example of the vicious attack on an 8-year-old girl named Melissa whose injuries sustained from the attack required several major reconstructive surgeries. Despite the protests by some to repeal the ban, the majority continue to reject the move.
I will also cite the statement by Representative Bruce Goodwin in, "Ohio Overturns Pit Bull Bill". He said, and I quote, "The 'Pit Bull' has the distinction or characteristic that when they grab on, they don't let go." He added, " 'Pit Bulls' are the choice for drug dealers and other bad folks and that is for a reason."
Answer: Make sure your response is well written and fact checked.
Having a well written test can do you wonders, keep an eye out for run on sentences.
Explanation: "Analyze the question by circling all the important words.
Collect and sort your information.
Develop your thesis.
Write your introduction.
In the body of your essay, write several paragraphs that present, prove, and support your thesis.
Write your conclusion.
Read over your essay."
“…I had, of course, in the great tradition of tragic romance, chosen to love a boy who was totally out of my reach.”