Yes it does.....................
Motor neurons:
A. Function:
It relay messages coming from the brain or spinal cord to the muscles or organs.
B. Structure:
●Presence of long axons due to long distances the signals have to travel to the muscle its stimulating.
●It's myelinated, to assist the signal in travelling long distances as soon as possible.
Sensory neurons:
A. Function: its sensory receptors respond to stimuli by converting it into an electrical signal to the brain or spinal cord.
B. Structure:
●Presence of long dendrites / axons
● its myelinated
●since it's found in the middle of the neuron it forms ganglia that unites in the spinal cord and aid in involuntary reflexes.
● shorter than motor or sensory neurons
● has branches, a lot of branches consisting of axons and dendrites off the cell body to enable multiple simultaneous between neurons
● It's body is partially myelinated.
●occurs in large clusters of neurons to compensate for its partial myelination to speed up the signal
organizational effect.
Organizational effect is a long-term effect of hormonal action typically occurring in fetal development or the early postnatal period that leads to permanent changes in behavior and neural functioning. For example, the presence of testosterone in young male rats leads to long-term male-typical behavior, and female rats can be masculinized by neonatal exposure to testosterone.
Organizational effects act during development, often during critical period. Such hormones affect the construction or fine-tuning of sex organs or neural circuits underlying behavioral capacities that will be needed in adulthood.
Organizational effects are often under tight genetic control, and not subject to major influence by environment.
Organizational effects are often irreversible.