Since a total of 55 people rated it good/very good, we know that 1/3 of the viewers are 55 people. So we can set the equation: 1/3x=55
Now, just multiply both sides by 3 (or divide by 1/3, same thing) and get your answer!
It is 13.56
Step-by-step explanation:
You would have to divide 40.68 by 3. 3 goes 1 time into 4 so it is 10.
Cost of the article = $27.50
Amount of city sales tax = (27.50 x 6%) = $1.65
Amount of excise tax = (27.50 x 8%) = $2.20
From my knowledge, we pay city sales tax and federal excise tax when we buy something, so the total cost would be $31.35
es 3573
Step-by-step explanation: