three to four letters to the left before it jumps over to the next fixation point.
The property of semiconductors that makes them most useful for constructing electronic devices is that their conductivity<span> may easily be modified by introducing </span>impurities<span> into their </span>crystal lattice<span>. The process of adding </span>controlled impurities<span> to a semiconductor is known as </span>doping<span>.</span>
Blood flow to the liver is unique in that it receives both oxygenated and (partially) deoxygenated blood. As a result, the partial gas pressure of oxygen (pO2) and perfusion pressure of portal blood are lower than in other organs of the body.
The SEED of a flower develops into the fruit
Its that food dropped on the ground is safe to eat and will not be covered in germs as long as its picked up within 5 seconds after its dropped.