Bíceps- tríceps
Los músculos trabajan para generar movimiento mediante la contracción de células musculares. El bíceps y el tríceps son músculos antagonistas presentes en el brazo. Cuando el brazo se acorta, el bíceps funciona como agonista (es decir, se contrae) y hace que los tendones que tiran de los huesos del antebrazo puedan doblarlo. Durante este movimento, el triceps funciona como antagonista, encontrándose en estado de relajamiento. Por otra parte, durante el estiramiento del brazo, las funciones de estos músculos se invierten, con lo cual el tríceps (agonista) se contrae y el bíceps (antagonista) se relaja.
Electrolytes may be defined as the different minerals present in our body that maintains the fluid balance in the body. Dehydration or any other disease might imbalance the fluid and electrolyte.
The nursing process is quite important for the fluid and electrolyte balance. This processing includes the proper balanced diet that helps in the maintenance. Some screening tests are also included in this process that determines the main cause of the imbalance. The proper medications are required in the electrolyte imbalance.
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Answer:If the large seed plant becomes extinct the finches with larger beaks will probably die out thus reducing the finch population
2)This will happen as their source of food is gone and thus leaving them to either feed on what there not used to or die
3)im not too sure of this but this is what i think; In Darwin's finches, those that have short beaks turned out to be an adaptation that made them more suited into poking holes in the ground and feed on grubs. Also the drought reduced the number of seeds and finches with bigger beaks were able to eat the larger and harder seeds so more of them survived.