45 grams is about 1/4 cup of water or maybe 1/4 cup of flour or uncooked rice would be 45 grams. Anyway it's not much.
Unless the dresser is made of paper, 45 grams is not enough. 45 kg though large (that's roughly 100 pounds if that's what you think in), the dresser might be found in the apartment where Sherlock Holmes lives. (The dresser is a piece of victorian furniture) it is much closer to what a modern dresser would weigh.
Step-by-step explanation:
You need to divide 2 by four which equals 8, you need 8 pounds
If not the answer that I got is 26/57 = [849 x(x= 372.25)]/5
522 dollars X 0.79 euro = 412.38 dollars
1 dollar