<span><span>There are no rivers and few perennial streams in the islands.
relating to music
a group of atoms behaving as a unit in a number of compounds.
of, involving, or concerned with applied and industrial sciences
A . . . (see below)
This depends on the sentence, in most cases, simply a period.
I should have known it was a bad idea, but that didn't stop me. I attempted to scrub the blood of of my hands and to delete the memory out of my mind. I didn't mean to stab that man. He came running behind me and violently put his hands over my mouth. I panicked. I reached in my pocket and pulled out my pocket knife that I carry in case of an emergency. I stuck it in his side and he let me go. A scream of pain escaped his lips as he knelt to the concrete ground. I ran as far away as I could, without looking back. I made it to my apartment about 2 miles away. I slammed the door shut, locked it, and shut the curtains to the window looking outside. It will only be a metter of time before the police come kocking on my door. Will I be able to say it was for self defefnse reasons and get off easy? Or will I be arrested for trying to protect myself from possible danger. Either way, I know the memory of tis night will be forever engraved in my brain. I have to just learn to live with the guilt. I won't let the memories and the flashbacks lead me the same fate I gave that man. Explanation: