Following are the singular and plural nouns in the sentence.
astronauts -P
crowd - S
<h3>What are the examples of singular and plural nouns?
The majority of singular nouns can be made plural by adding a -s to the end. Depending on what letter a noun finishes in, pluralization rules can vary greatly. Irregular nouns must be learned or looked up in a dictionary because they do not adhere to the plural noun rules.
1. Add 's' to the end of normal nouns to make them plural.
cat – cats
2. Add the letter "es" to the end of the singular noun if it ends in s, ss, sh, ch, x, or z to make it plural.
Trunk - Trunks
bus - buses
To learn more about singular and plural nouns from given link
He is aware he is finally like the other boys
He wants to fit in, but can't. Now since they are all filthy, he can finally fit in.
Ronson explores the idea that many corporate and governmental leaders are psychopaths whose actions to others can only be explained by taking that fact into account, and he privately uses the Hare test to determine if he can discern any truth to it. Statistics say that psychopaths are 1% of society, but 4% of economic, political or religious leaders; that is, psychopathy is four times more frequent in the high spheres.
<h2>Requesting for social amenities</h2>
<h2> Requesting for social amenities</h2>
Dear Sir/Madam,
l am writing this letter to inform you about urgent social amenities in my community. Every decent community should have an emergency room and a high school.
Our community consist of both young and elderly people. When it comes to elderly people, they usually need constant medical care. Sometimes, they are not able to go to a bigger city for it, and they rather keep quiet. This can lead to further medical problems. For this purpose, we need an emergency room. Everybody has equal right to health care.
When it comes to young people, they now have great elementary education here. On the other hand, there is no high-school in our community which they could go to. It is a great issue, since some of the students are not finansially capable to go to another city for education. Having a high school would significantly improve general state of education in our community.
In conclusion, we hope you will think about these issues and take ungent measures to improve our community.
Best regards,