<span>The Secret Of Death Valley’s Sailing Stones</span>
<span>B) He noticed four-fifths of the air had been used up. If by air this question is referring to oxygen, the fact that it has been used up means it has reacted, mean a substance has combusted.</span>
Human has 4 chambers, and most reptiles have 3 chambers in their heart
your question in Romanian translated roughly What is the difference between a human and reptile circulatory system?
They are considered as biased. Explanation: It's biased because it's based on how we feel instead of facts
SSRI stands for S<span>elective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitor and it is a type of antidepressant medication. These medications are used to treat depression, and have fewer side effects than other medications.
</span><span>These group of drugs works primarily by interfering with the reabsorption of serotonin in the brain. Serotonin is linked to happiness and good feeling, so i</span><span>ncreased serotonin can help relieve depression. </span>