Mrs. Hutchinson really wanted to stop being trapped in a world where she couldn't change anything, where the Lottery was something as natural as day or night, and she was already tired of being a woman who always struggled to fit into that society. She didn't want to follow the rules, but she was a rebellious person inside, and perhaps for her the only way to escape was to die. Although she seems abnegated and peaceful, she actually thinks that the Lottery is unfair and even its late the Lotttery's day. Tess Hutchinson wants to end all that, even dying. It is also logical to think that she succeeded.
While I don’t believe this should be debate in a school setting (no matter the grade) because this is a serious thing for most people, I think that they should be taught and raised the same.
Evry child, boy or girl,should have the same resources and upbringing asone another. I get that there are some sensitive topics that are reserved for one one rather than the other however, teaching these things to both can reduce insensitivity toward the other. If they understand it better they won’t make fun of it as much. This is similar to the Dunning-Kruger effect. People who have less ability at something only judge others rather than themselves. For example, only girls learning about certain hygiene and other facts are helpful and can make then feel more comfortable talking about it. However, boys make fun of/teasse girls when they go throught those things often because they dont go throught it or dont understand it.
Some kids can’t have the same upbring based on their parents or other causes, may it be economic or domestic, however in public (places like schools or daycares) we should still teach the same values. Every kid should know right from wrong, to be kind and helpful and how to properly express themselves.
AHH I'm sorry I forgot I had an appointment. This is 213 words, I didn't have time to proofread as I went. Hope this helps at the very least!
i think it's chronological order/structure