The reason why photographers may refrain from photographing animals is due to the fact that it can be dangerous to either the photographer themselves or the animals. For example, cases where photographers will get too close to wildlife (like Tigers, Lions, etc.) resulting to animal attacks. There is also the chance of disturbing wildlife and habitats when going to retrieve images. These are the main reasons why photographers may refrain from wildlife photography.
C. Sigmund Freud is the answer
Answer: 1. D. Chronological
2. B. dates, months, and time of year are given
The text structure of this article has been built following the Chronological method of organization, meaning that it describes the events in a temporal order. This structure can also be used to explain the steps required to do something. In this case, the structure can be established by the constant reference to time: 'On December 7, 1941,' 'four days later,' 'in the spring of 1942,' and 'in March.'
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